26 April 2012
Representatives of public organizations viticulture and wine industry joined
As part of the behavior of the specialized exhibition of viticulture and wine, drinks, fruit and technologies, raw materials and equipment enological "VINORUS. VINOTEH "in Krasnodar was a meeting of public organizations of the industry.
The meeting decided join together to protect their interests in light of the emerging problems of the industry in connection with the entry into force on 1 July 2012 changes to federal legislation and the preparation of technical regulations of the Customs Union, "On the security of alcoholic beverages."
The cooperation agreement was signed by non-profit organization "Association of sparkling wine Producers", NGO "Wine Alliance", the Association of wine and alcoholic products Krasnodar Territory "Kubanvinogradalko" NP "self-regulatory organization" Winegrowers and winemakers, "State Governmental agency" Stavropolvinogradprom "Krasnodar regional public organization "Society of Friends Kuban wines," Non-profit partnership of wine producers, "The Black Sea garage wine."
In accordance with this Agreement NGOs carry out together actively in the formation of the federal and regional investment policy, the provision of comprehensive care, protect the legitimate rights and interests of organizations, viticulture and wine-making areas in the state and local authorities.
Preparation of proposals will continue to improve legislation of the Russian Federation and the draft normative legal acts aimed at improving relations in the field of entrepreneurship.